

Your Rotary Club can change the life of an entire Indian village. Our unique Adopt-A-Village Partnership provides free and subsidized filters to the neediest rural villages. For your contribution you and your Rotary Club can truly make a significant difference. Matching Grants from The Rotary Foundation are another powerful way to leverage club and/or district funds to substantially expand a project.

Adopt A Village.

Adopt A Village

Direct contributions to SAPWII result in field delivery of village filters typically within 30 days. A waiting list of villages have been approved. All we need is your sponsorship.

Rotary Clubs.

Rotary Clubs

Implement your club’s International Service goals by putting your dollars to work now. Join other Rotary Clubs who have worked with us recently. For details, click here.

Ernie's Filters.

Ernie's Filters

2007-08 District Governor "Ernie" Luise challenged Rotary District 7980 (Southern Connecticut) to sponsor SAPWII filters for all 411 schools in Kolar District with her unique "Clean Water For Kids" campaign.

Ernie's Filters